Yesterday I had the wonderful pleasure of using an original Philps 2 tail tawse .The sound of it when it hit the palm was delicious ,it has a superb 'crack' I could happily have kept it ,unfortunately that's not a possibility, although I'm sure I shall have plenty more use of this wonderful implement .
Along side this was an array of original lochgelly tawses which I also had the pleasure of using as I wished to compare these with the one I have for sale - I must say these tawses were nice but not a patch on the Philps,although the 3 tail lochgelly was lovely also ,it made a fine sound as it struck .

Damn, I really want a Philps now !!!

So, have you tested both theses makes , if so, which would you say is the superior tawse ?
If you haven't had the pleasure of using or feeling a Philps and you can find someone who has one ,I reckon you should go out your way to do so .
A HUGE " THANKYOU" to the gent who brought these delightful implements for my perusal ,ofcourse I did have to test them on him

Barbie x