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View Full Version : Advice for would be female 'doms'and their website design.

15-07-2012, 08:07 PM
Like so many Spankers guys spend a great deal of time trawling through worldwide 'dom'website listings
in the hope of coming across that Alpha female 9 out of 10 female with splendidly shaped legs and nether
portions in the hopes of contributing to her pocket book.
Very very few even come close.
So many of the websites are all bark and no bite.
The sort of thing I refer to are flaming torch portals announcing Madam so and so and have so many knobs and smart add ons that they can take up to 3-5 minutes to download!
Ladies your guy is done and gone in 10 secs-he is on to the next on the list of 1000!
Bear in mind the olde adage "too smart is dumb"
Some of these sites have so many technical glitches and inconsistences that they never load or look like they were designed on a $50 budget by some amateur low cost back street web designer.
Ladies you need photos.At least one of your face and at least one of you bum.
Without that minimum you are unlikely to get a phone call let alone tossed a crumpled $20 dollar bill
in todays hectic world.
Guys are very very busy.
The more um exposure you have preferably films etc the more likley guys will be flocking to your door
for those mega bucks appointments.
Now a word about dress.In 2012 Goth,Punk and New Romantic is long past sell buy,even Schoolgirl is suspect..the sort of look that really gets a guy goggling is good old traditional female stuff.Tight business skirts,fancy under things,
high heels,glasses,OK you got it.
Well thats about it.Good Luck!

25-07-2012, 02:13 PM
the sort of look that really gets a guy goggling is good old traditional female stuff. Tight business skirts,fancy under things,
high heels,glasses,OK you got it.
Well thats about it.Good Luck!

Yes, yes, yes.

09-08-2012, 10:56 AM
Okay now I think there are a few things here that need a mention .
You mention you're a Spanker not a spankee so surely you will be looking for bottoms rather than tops- that's just an observation from your post.

A female top/domme or whatever she calls herself shouldn't require any photos of her rearend - it's yours she is interested in ,you arenot going to be spanking her . What she chooses to wear or not wear is her choice. If gents don't like it then they don't have to visit her .
Many younger ladies tend to flash everything to get men who like the sexual aspect to look and book - I believe it's called teasing .

Maybe you have been looking at ladies who Switch rather than just top ? If this is the case nodoubt her site will include pictures of her in different outfits for people with different tastes to see.
Not every lady has the backing or facilities to make films for extra exposure(it's not cheap to do) .Also ,alot of clients donot wish to be filmed unless it is for their own personal use. So that can be a catch 22 ,wanting people to have more exposure ,yet not so many willing volunteers to help with that.You will find that people in the majority of spanking movies are paid professional models ,not your average person.

I class my self as a disciplinarian not a domme/mistress or anything else .I personally wear skirts ,blouses and high heels as to what is under the clothes - well that's not for a client to see ! I don't need, nor do I wish to wear skimpy outfits that show off everything .The people I see can have photos or videos for their own personal use , some do let me post their photos but obviously not face shots .

Just my tuppence worth .
Barbedwire aka Miss Fife x

Like so many Spankers guys spend a great deal of time trawling through worldwide 'dom'website listings
in the hope of coming across that Alpha female 9 out of 10 female with splendidly shaped legs and nether
portions in the hopes of contributing to her pocket book.
Very very few even come close.
So many of the websites are all bark and no bite.
The sort of thing I refer to are flaming torch portals announcing Madam so and so and have so many knobs and smart add ons that they can take up to 3-5 minutes to download!
Ladies your guy is done and gone in 10 secs-he is on to the next on the list of 1000!
Bear in mind the olde adage "too smart is dumb"
Some of these sites have so many technical glitches and inconsistences that they never load or look like they were designed on a $50 budget by some amateur low cost back street web designer.
Ladies you need photos.At least one of your face and at least one of you bum.
Without that minimum you are unlikely to get a phone call let alone tossed a crumpled $20 dollar bill
in todays hectic world.
Guys are very very busy.
The more um exposure you have preferably films etc the more likley guys will be flocking to your door
for those mega bucks appointments.
Now a word about dress.In 2012 Goth,Punk and New Romantic is long past sell buy,even Schoolgirl is suspect..the sort of look that really gets a guy goggling is good old traditional female stuff.Tight business skirts,fancy under things,
high heels,glasses,OK you got it.
Well thats about it.Good Luck!