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06-02-2015, 07:59 PM
Especially if shy (like me) or must be particularly discreet.

I read one member's post somewhere on this site that he found it becoming harder to purchase navy knickers and other adult-schoolgirl (or boy) accoutrements. Obviously you can't brazen it out by walking alone straight into your local school-uniform stockist and trying to buy gym-knickers that fit your frame as man.. the obviously sexagenarian Autumn Cockerel or fit, 6', rugby-playing brickie may find it even trickier!

If anyone is wondering how to do so with the necessary discretion, I can suggest 2 mail-order play-uniform companies in the UK.

I have used The Regulation Clothing Company, which has a range of (adult-size) school, maid and one or two other themes.

Another, I have not used, slightly more expensive I think but with a larger range, is sisterfunbunny.com.

There are mail-order firms, including wig-stockists, for TVs; but I find their catalogues disappoint by showing only unfeasably short, tartan, so-called "school uniform" skirts nothing like the real thing. Short yes, but pelmets are fine only for fancy-dress tarty parties on 31-12-xx, not for satisfyingly realistic discipline etc. They don't sell PE-kit either. I believe the two stockists above, and their like, buy genuine school-wear.Some "Adult Schools" have mail-order departments but are pricey, but if you want a week at a private hotel with a strict fancy-dress theme, you need the kit!

Some regular mail-order clothes shops stock uniform items in adult as well as children's sizes, so try their web-sites. This applies to CD purchases anyway: I am single but they don't know that, so I bought a nightdress and a few pairs of knickers (women's not SG) within a rake of ordinary men's clothes, from a major shop . Only one name on the card? Timing: buy shortly before Christmas! Be aware that you will be bombarded with advertising e-posts from the retail group, so make good use of "Block Sender".

Need help with sizes? Use an on-line size chart & dress-making tape-measure. A mirror is useful for locating the tape properly. Skirt length is waist-to-hem, when you measure your leg to assess the hem's location. Note for the Engineer or Scientist: no millimetres - clothes-shops use the politically-incorrect cm!

Finally, remember that although your bum might look enticingly big in tight skirts... a tight skirt is more difficult to raise when you are to be spanked!

06-02-2015, 09:06 PM
With the oft quoted 'obesity in the young' ringing in everyone's ears, I find that Primark offers a good cheap school uniform outfit to suit even the beefiest frame. I buy all my lingerie from there and have also purchased schoolie blouses and short school skirts too. Just pay cash and brazen it out when picking your clothes and at the cash desk.

06-02-2015, 10:53 PM
Thank you Playfulfun.

I'd guess from your profile that it's better you shop directly, but this raises another suggestion.

For those who need to use an Internet supplier there is now a network of local shops, filling-stations etc that will take items delivered by carrier, for a small additional fee. Many businesses now use carriers other than Royal Mail, but really designed to deliver only to business addresses. Using those intermediary shops means you still collect at a more convenient time and discreetly.

I sometimes wear something that's not actually a dress, like an oversize T-shirt, as if it was just for the feel of loose hem around bare thighs.

07-02-2015, 08:59 AM
....Oh, forgot to mention that Amazon also deliver to "drop box lockers". But only if the shipment is fulfilled by them. When searching on their site, click the "sold by Amazon" box and those items are available for locker delivery. I've bought numerous items including sex toys this way.

04-03-2015, 11:18 PM
Sorry about the 4-week delay! Drop box lockers - not encountered them. How does that work? Is that Amazon's own name for the same scheme where they deliver to a nominated shop on their register? I looked on Primark's web-site but must have been reading the wrong area because I didn't see a school uniform section, but I could put together a passable imitation with what I have.

Once bought and enjoyed wearing a kaftan - so full-length rather than above the knee - from one of those funny little catalogues that fall out of motoring-association magazines, Radio Times, etc. "Others who bought this kaftan also bought nose-hair clippers, mole-scarers that work with sonic sound, and big furry slippers."

I think wearing something like a kaftan or full-length night-dress for a spanking could be as erotic as the school skirt and knickers.

07-03-2015, 08:43 AM
Hi. It took me ages to pluck up the courage but I still maintain that the best (and most exciting) way is to just brazen it out. I started off at supermarkets with self service checkouts. They work quite well, m and s is also usually nice and busy so you just get ushered through pretty quick.

i did once buy a school skirt from a school uniform shop, tried to pass as a father but given I was only 23 and had measurements for a 16 yo skirt I doubt I got away with that. It was really fun and ultimately I'm never going to see them again.

i have used online uniform site in the past but nothing beats going into a shop and actually buying some knickers. Just enjoy it

08-03-2015, 09:25 AM
Second attempt – I think my first failed because my e-mail service timed off.

Thank you PeakSpank.

Unfortunately I don’t brazen at all well! So the innocent route: navy knickers and navy pleated skirt from Regulation Clothing Company (which claims it’s a theatrical outfitters… curiously narrow range for such). Then:-

For “PE”: black lace-up plimsolls, white tennis socks, white sports shirt / polo-necked shirt – all ordinary, non-gendered High Street garments.

In “class”: similar socks, plain black shoes (I don’t think being slip-ons matters); plain white shirt, sleeved or short sleeves (man’s fit but my boobs are late developers). Tie - grey-&-white striped, fair school look. Blazers? I don’t have one. In warm conditions in reality we removed them anyway. Boaters? Do any schools still wear those hats as daft as the boys’ caps?

Let’s face it, even if I hid my grey, thinning hair under a wig my 62yo face and voice are not exactly teenaged-girl so a certain poetic licence is fine.

Skirt length: mine is almost knee-length and I’d prefer the mid-thigh length my opposite-sex class-mates wore when we were genuinely at school in the mid-60s. (We boys, full of unsorted hormones but actually very naïve, thanked Heaven for Mary Quant and the skirt manufacturers economising on fabric. Parents tut-tutted, perhaps over the non-economised retail prices.)

Some girls wore 2/3 height, but the garish red tartan pelmet is for hen-parties and rubgy-players on New Year’s Eve p+++-ups: this fancy-dress “schoolgirl” look appears to ape an American take on the rather dubious Japanese fascination for schoolgirls. No real UK uniform was ever like that even if of plaid pattern.

As a non-erotic aside, the impassioned public “debate” about school uniforms ignores the teenagers’ ovine attitudes to their own fashions (yes I was a teenager for 7 years) and liking for uniformed dance-troupes & university sports-club regalia, and a growing adult desire for sports/hobby-club shirts and “corporate work-wear” even where and when not necessary.

29-07-2015, 07:39 PM
In my experience if you buy a school uniform from a fantasy wear supplier, there is a good chance that you will pay well over the odds and or get something of poor quality.

Much better to go to a proper school uniform supplier. BHS used to go up to size 18, a few other shops go up to a 36" waist. There are also plenty of online suppliers.

EBay can also be very good, but again it is worth aiming for sellers who are selling genuine school uniform rather than those selling cheap tat or outfits for hen nights. Just bought a trutex pencil skirt and a pleated skirt for about £9 each. For those looking for a traditional PE skirt there is normally a wide range of colours and sizes available.

02-08-2015, 10:45 AM
The Regulation Clothing Co. garments are of good quality, though their range is a little limited. Still worth a look. I don't know if they manufacture or buy from regular uniform makers. The pleated skirt I bought is a bit long as it's near knee-length on a short-*rs* like me - I don't want the wholly unrealistic tartan micro-minis sold as "school uniform" by the fantasy-wear people, but I do like the more normal mid-thigh length.

Sisterfunbunny's a fairly good source too - a lot of the fantasy-wear stuff but they seem also to sell the real thing, at least in some lines including gym-knickers.

These are both British firms.