View Full Version : Truants: Slippered

22-04-2008, 02:40 PM
Teddy's story

(This is a true account of real events, although the names’ of the individuals involved have been changed)

I went to a comprehensive school in Essex during the 1980s.

One day, two girls (Pam and Cathy) talked me into arriving late for school, i.e. missing the first lesson (French) because they had not done their homework. Why I agreed to do this - because I had done my homework - beggars belief, but it was probably because I thought it would look cool to be out with two girls....

We knew we would have to be about an hour late to miss the first lesson and be at school for the start of the second lesson, so we made for the local shops to while away the time.

We had been going around for about 20 minutes, when disaster struck. We literally bumped into the Headmistress. She asked what we were doing and of course we had no answer. So it was a quick 10 minute walk to school with her and straight to her office. Once inside, we got the normal lecture, plus a very angry summing up of our offence. She then announced we were each to get six with The Slipper.

With this, she placed a chair in the middle of the room, walked back behind her desk, opened a drawer and pulled out a fearsome looking white gym Plimsol, with a rubber sole (worn flat).

She then placed the slipper on her desk and said "Right, who's first?"

Nobody replied immediately, so she pointed at me and said “You can be first. You can show the girls how it's done”. With that she moved the chair a fraction, turned to me and said “Come on”. I moved forward towards the chair, which had its back to me. I stopped when I got to the chair, the Headmistress then placed her hand on my back and pushed, saying “Bend over and grab the chair legs”. I grabbed the chair legs, and she walked round in front of me and picked up her slipper from her desk.

The slipper was placed on my rear and a couple of taps were administered and then nothing for a few seconds, and then WHACK! The slipper hit my bottom, causing me to gasp and my bottom to be painful and warm, the second caused me to yell and the third caused me to stand up. The Headmistress then shoved me back down, announcing I was getting three more. The fourth made my legs kick but I was now determined to stay down. The fifth and sixth made me yell out.

“Get up and join the others” she said. She then pointed the slipper at one of the girls (Pam) and said “You girl, forward and bend over”. This Pam did. I stood next to Cathy, the other girl, desperately trying to rub my aching and burning bottom through my trousers.

The slipper thudded into her rear causing her to yell out and half stand up. Then, WHACK!
OOOWW! until The Slipper had been administered.

Cathy then replaced Pam over the chair. It was now that I saw just how far back the Headmistress was taking the slipper and how quickly she was bringing it down, almost as if she was trying to hit the chair by going through our backsides.

Cathy mirrored Pam, WHACK! OOOWW! WHACK! OOWW! Until her six had been given.

Cathy came back to stand with us, with tears running down her cheeks. The Headmistress then wrote down our names in the punishment book along with, "playing truant - six hard slippers".

Having finished writing, she said "I hope you have each learnt your lesson. Six hard slippers will certainly keep your bottoms warm for the rest of the day, and each time you sit down today you will be reminded of this lesson”.

We each replied "Yes, Miss". She then said "Right! On your way!" and off we went.

26-05-2008, 01:57 PM
i stil got white plimsolls if you need more

21-06-2008, 03:36 AM
I enjoyed that account, teddy!

How old were the three of you at the time?

Had you had the slipper before? From male or female teachers?

Were the girls slippered over their skirts or over knickers? Or were they wearing trousers?

25-06-2008, 05:48 PM
Hello Steven & thanks

It was 1989 and we were probably all 15 at the time.

Although The Cane had been out-lawed by then (in 85 or 86?), there were so-called 'Senior Teachers' at our school who were quite prepared to weild The Slipper.

I remember an Assembly in my first year at Secondary school where the Headmaster stood up in front of the whole school and spoke in a very angry tone about conduct and the 'good name of the school' etc. He then announced that two 'Upper School' pupils had been Caned. Not a word; Total silence as all 1,600 pupils made their way back to their tutor rooms that afternoon....

This was my first and only Slippering at school and for myself to be involved in an incident like this was quite out-of-character. I was shy, quiet, relatively hard working but a little niave....

We were all slippered over trousers (and skirts) respectively. Of course, I look back at the whole incident with a degree of fondness now....

I enjoyed that account, teddy!

How old were the three of you at the time?

Had you had the slipper before? From male or female teachers?

Were the girls slippered over their skirts or over knickers? Or were they wearing trousers?