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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Glasgow Unable to Accomodate but can travel

    Default nephew has been naughty again


    This nephew has been naughty again and deserves to be punished

    im straight so its strictly spanking

    I think i would benefit from having my trousers pulled down to my ankles and put over the knee and giviing a very hard hand spanking over my pants before i feel the fingers in the waistband slipping them down to my knees and the hand spanking restarting bare

    then i should be made to bend over the bed/sofa/back of chair and hear the belt being unbuckled and unlooped before its wrapped round the hand to perfect spanking length and should then have my backside belted

    i may be able to accomodate but wen i can will be at short notice can travel at times money permitting although if madam/sir drives i could be picked up and pay for it with the spanking of there choosing

    im in the renfrewshire area but will consider as far as Glasgow

    Many thanks and hope to hear replys


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default Re: nephew has been naughty again

    Hi Duncan, Remember me? I put you over my knee last year and gave you a good spanking. I really think it's about time that I did it again. I'm sure you need a bit of regular discipline in your life. I you've been really naughty there is only one thing for it - get you jeans down and get across my knee. Jim.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Glasgow only occasionally able to accommodate

    Default Re: nephew has been naughty again

    Hi mate
    I have very considerable experience in spanking and would be more than happy to ensure that you learn your lesson
    I look forward to hearing from you
    My tawse awaits your bared bottom...but plenty of role play before that

  4. #4

    Default Re: nephew has been naughty again

    I also live in the renfrewshire area.
    I have a uncle who I visit he lives in the area and I'm sure would be able to help you we could go together if you wish and he is firm but fair so if you want email me and we can arrange something together.

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