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  1. #1
    jaybo Guest

    Default Jaybos confession

    Jaybo enjoyed finding reasons to provoke Masters and Mistresses into berating him and in turn serving him with harsh physical punishments which however painful he always craved someone who could push him that bit further.

    Jaybo visited a notorious fire and brimstone priest Father Fergus Thrashworth a huge bear of a man whose sermons of hellfire and damnation were second only to his love of disciplining sinners and non believers.

    Jaybo knew he could easily provoke the priest into giving him a spanking to remember just by confessing to something trivial... So what would really get up his nose..and so at his next confessional he told the priest that he thought that the existence of God was fairy stories and only simple minded sheep believed that kind of codswallop!..... Jaybo waited for the explosion.....

    .... There was a feint choking sound followed by a huge roar! WHAT??? the priest shouted....
    The confessional box curtain flew back....I THINK I HAVE SOME WAYS TO HELP YOU SEE THE LIGHT YOU NON BELIEVER!......

    Father Fergus dragged Jaybo painfully by his ear to the back room of the church and slammed the door...feint organ music was just discernable in the background....

    You can howl as loud as you like in here lad it's nigh on soundproof and no one ever bothers me when that doors shut...said the Father...
    Now I have converted a few sinners in my time but I think you will need special strip and lay over that bench I want a nice high bottom and legs apart....
    Jaybo was nearly wetting himself in fear and anticipation but did as he was told.
    The bench felt cold under his tummy and he really had to push his bottom out to lay comfortabley he felt his ankles knocked apart by something heavy and wooden.
    Jaybo was expecting something stingy and whippy to strike his bottom so imagine his surprise when something thick like a walking cane struck him in the crease of his bottom causing a huge cry to emerge from his lips the pain initially sharp turned into a deep bruising thump...
    Ah Redemption! Said the priest and let fly with another swooping smack right into the tops of jaybos meaty thighs..ARRRRGHHH! screamed Jaybo... oh not there its too sensitive....
    GOOD! said the priest delivering another crack right on top of the last impact...Jaybo howled at the top of his lungs...the priest shouting about a sinners repentance...
    Jaybos bottom bounced this way and that with the forcible strokes of the thick cane... Deep purple almost blue lines appeared on Jaybos buttocks and thighs and he gasped and yelled through the vicious tanning. A couple of strokes caught the inner spread thighs causing Jaybo to clutch at his bottom...Please no more he gasped teeth gritted...I believe.. I BELIEVE....STOP!
    the beating ceased and Jaybo dropped to the floor showing a severely bruised pair of nates...
    Jaybo could only lay there while Father Fergus sermonized to the sorry figure on the floor.
    When Jaybo attempted to rise he felt wobbly and the priest assisted him...Now then young man I have a special seat for you just so you can think hard on your sins, an hour should do it... be warned if I see you get out of that chair you will get another dose of the confessional stick.
    Jaybo stunned and holding his bottom lest it drop off followed the priest to the proffered chair....
    To jaybos horror the chair wasn't a comfy plush cushioned variety it had a hard wooden seat with sharp looking bevelled angles that poked up from the chairs seat designed not for comfort but for pain
    Now you get comfortable while I go and rehearse next week's sermon...It sure I will be seeing you there eh?.. with that he pushed Jaybo back into the hard chair... Jaybo landed full force onto the chair the bruised bottom flesh impacting heavily onto the cruel hard wooden projecting angles that poked painfully into his bottom......Father Fergus chuckled as Jaybo howled and howled.....

  2. #2
    jaybo Guest

    Default Re: Jaybos confession

    Father Fergus Thrashworth chuckled Evily to himself watching that fat fool squirm around on "The sinners seat" Knowing that there was no comfortable position to be found he couldn't care less if Jaybo believed or not if he was fool enough to come confess then he was fool enough to suffer the consequences...
    Jaybo felt like there was a thousand points jabbing into his buttocks every wriggle found another cruel point to jab at his welted bottom surely the hour must almost be up only to hear Father Fergus say hope you're sitting comfortably only another half hour ad he let out another evil chuckle..
    Jaybo cursed inwardly as a fresh jab at his bum made him wriggle some more...

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