The next chapter in my sort of on-going series. Comments and critiques welcome! This may be a continuing thread if it's of interest, ideas would be handy if so! I like the idea of writing other people's scenarios. As always this is intended only as an Adult Fantasy Fiction piece.

*Smack* "Fourteen. Thank you sir."
*Smack* "Fifteen. Thank you sir."

As the last strokes landed Jana let out a small sigh of relief. It was Friday evening and she had presented herself at her House Master's office as instructed and had waited her turn as the lower schools went first. She had dared to hope that this might be treated as a minor infraction, after all she had a very good record and her uniform indiscretion had already been dealt with. However she had been disappointed and here she was.
Here, at that moment was draped across the House Master's large oak desk. Jana's arms were out in front of her and gripping the far edge of the desk.

Behind, her skirt was flipped up and tucked neatly at her lower back and her pants had been pulled down to just below the curves of her cheeks. She had just received a bare bottom slippering for daring to question her earlier punishment. The Master had said "She needed to be reminded of her place." Abruptly she was woken from her reverie as he spoke. "You may stand up and re-dress."

Jana slipped her pants back up before she stood, determined that she would retain some amount of dignity tonight. The House Master was standing nearby as she stood up and brushed her skirt back into place. "I trust you have learned your lesson and I won't be seeing you back here soon?" "Yes sir, you won't sir." She replied contritely. "Very good, you are dismissed then." and he turned away, making for his desk chair. Jana swiftly moved to the door and exited, closing it behind her as she went.

The House Master sat down at his desk and moved some of his papers, having cleared the surface for some of the evening's punishments. He was just contemplating a drink when there was a knock at the door. This was highly unusual as Jana had been the last disciplinary of the day, and all other students would have returned to dorms by now. He called out "Enter." in a firm tone. The door opened slowly and Kristoph entered the office. He was not in his day uniform but wearing the more casual lounge wear students were permitted outside of lesson hours; Plimsoles, navy Academy joggers and a matching navy jumper.

"Kristoph. What can I do for you? I hope you don't have a referral slip from the Matron?" "Ummm, no sir. No referral...." The boy was uncertain and the Master motioned for him to come and stand in front of the desk. "So why are you here?" the Master replied in a more measured tone, as he had an idea why the boy was here. "Well sir. I don't really know how to explain this.... but when you punished Luke and I the other week....I think I somehow... liked it?" The Master kept his face impassive at this. "I see. And what brings you here now?" "Well sir, I was hoping that maybe you would....teach me, about it?" Kristoph managed to meet his House Master's eyes at this point, overcoming his nerves for the moment.

The Master steepled his fingers in front of him and contemplated this for a moment. "And why would I want to do that?" Kristoph did not have an answer for that and it was in a pleading voice that he said "Please sir, I'll do anything you ask." "Hmmmm." The Master let silence fall as he thought about it for a few moments before he continued. "I have a thought that may benefit both parties, but I propose a test before we begin anything. What say you?" Kristoph replied immediately "Yes sir, what do I do?". The Master nodded in acceptance. "Very well. You will receive a punishment as a test of your obedience. If you do well, I will continue your education in discipline. If you fail to do as I ask now then I will simply add this to your record for misbehaviour and we go no further. Is that clear?" "Yes sir." The student's eyes seemed to have come alight at the prospect.

"Good. Assume the position." Kristoph quickly placed his hands on his head and stood straight, feet slightly apart. The House Master remained seated as he issued his instructions. "Good. You will undress and place your clothing on the sideboard as before. You may keep your underwear on for the moment."

Kristoph complied without a word, firstly peeling off his jumper which revealed his bare torso, then untying his joggers and quickly slipping them to the
floor. This revealed a fitted pair of black briefs underneath. A moment passed while he removed his socks and shoes, gathered it all into a small pile and carried it to the back of the room. As he was setting everything down, the Master spoke again. "Bring your plimsoles here." Kristoph dutifully carried his footwear to the desk and set them down before resuming station in the middle of the room.

The House Master picked up one of the rubber soled shoes and weighed it in his hands as he spoke. "How do you feel now boy?" "A bit excited sir." came the answer. Regarding the largely naked student before him, the Master could see some stirring in the front of his briefs. "Mmmm hmmm. Did it excite you last time to see your friend punished too?" "Yes sir it did." "Would you have liked to punish him yourself?" There was a pause at this as Kristoph appeared to consider the idea " my friend sir. But I think I....would?" "Interesting." The Master stood up and walked around the desk "Two choices then. 20 strikes or 30?" He brandished the plimsole, making clear it would be the implement of action. "Ummm, 20 sir?" Was the slightly uncertain reply. "Very well then. Come with me." The Master walked to his armchair and sat down, indicating Kristoph should stand just in front of him. Kristoph assumed position where he was told, visibly more excited already. "Turn around." came the next command and he turned away from his House Master, presenting his back to him.

A moment passed and he felt a hand on either side of his waist. The hands did not wait there, but slid down, catching the waistband of his briefs and pulling them all the way down to his ankles. The boy's bared behind was still slightly pink with the evidence of his previous punishment. Before he could react again, The Master took both cheeks in hand and kneaded the flesh roughly. "Ohhhhhhhh sir." He called out, more in surprise than pain as this happened. The Master released him after a few long seconds and massaged the area, exploring the space fully. To his credit, Kristoph maintained his position and only reacted with a sharp intake of breath as a finger traced over his asshole.

Apparently satisfied, the Master sat back. "Get on the coffee table, and on all fours." The low coffee table was directly in front of them both and
Kristoph crawled onto its surface, without being told, he placed his hands and legs toward the corners. It was a difficult position to hold, and one that left no coverage whatsoever. From his seat behind him, the Master could see the student's intimate places bared before him. Again he asked him "How do you feel?" "Excited sir. Ready." "Then we will begin."The Master stood up walked to the side of the submissive student. Placing one hand on the lower back, he lined up the plimsole with the presented buttocks.

Then without warning he began. *Smack* *Smack* *Smack* *Smack* Four alternating strikes landed in rapid succession but Kristoph maintained his position and his silence. *Smack* *Smack* *Smack* *Smack* Another four, moving over the rounded surfaces of his behind, seeking to catch new skin. Kristoph sighed but said nothing. *Smack* *Smack* *Smack* *Smack* As he reached twelve, the Master stopped for a moment to inspect his student. Kristoph's face was flushed and he was breathing hard, his cock was engorged. *Smack* *Smack* *Smack* *Smack* Kristoph was beginning to quiver as new strikes landed after old and the sting began to rise. "You shall count the last strikes." "Yes-yessir." *Smack* "Seventeen sir" *Smack* "Eighteen sir" *Smack* "Nineteen sir" *SMACK* The final stroke was delivered with all the strength the Master had and Kristoph rocked forward with it "Ohhhhh! Twenty sir."

The Master dropped the plimsole beside him and stepped back to admire his handiwork. Kristoph's behind was a rosy red from the top of his cheeks to his upper thighs, bisected by the pale unspanked crack of his ass. "Get up and stand in front of the desk." Kristoph did as he was told and slowly dismounted the table, wincing just once as he straightened his legs. He moved to the middle of the room and presented himself before the desk once again; Nude, drawn to his full height with hands on head and cock errect in front of him. The House Master stood before him, leaning on his desk. "You've done well Kristoph. Do you still want to make a deal?" The student met his eyes and answered firmly "Yes I do sir."

"Very well. Here's how it will work. You will inform on your fellow students for me. Anything that is against the rules, you will tell me, no exceptions. In return I will give you private disciplinary sessions, which it appears you would enjoy." He nodded to the boy's frontage. "Perhaps in time you will be
allowed to discipline others as well. Do we have an agreement?" Kristoph nodded slowly, not so sure of the idea of betraying his friends but excited nonetheless. "I agree sir." "Excellent. Then you are dismissed. Get dressed and return to dorm. I will summon you for your first report next week."

Kristoph's mind raced excitedly as he moved around the room, collecting his clothing and redressing. He wondered what he would happen when he reported for the first time? Who could he rat on anyway? Would the Master let him watch? His behind stung as he slipped his briefs back on but he sensed the time to exit was now and raced out of the room, still pulling his jumper down as he went.